Singing Guide: The Mulligan Guard Nominee

Singing Guide: The Mulligan Guard Nominee

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

In the world of barbershop, few names garner more reverence than that of The Mulligan Guard Nominee, a quartet whose lead singer, Richard "Dick" Treptow, has been hailed as one of the greatest performers ever to grace the barbershop stage. Born in 1924, Treptow was instrumental in shaping the classic barbershop style of the mid-20th century, and his performances continue to inspire and amaze singers to this day.

One of the most striking aspects of Treptow's voice was its effortless, natural sound, which he achieved through a combination of techniques including relaxed throat, proper breath control, and a highly developed sense of vocal placement. These elements all worked together to give his voice its distinctive, pure tone that could easily cut through even the most complex of barbershop arrangements.

In order to emulate Treptow's style, aspiring barbershoppers should begin by focusing on their breathing technique. Effective breathing is the foundation of any great singing, and understanding how to control your breath is crucial for achieving a natural, resonant sound. To get started, try out Singing Carrots' breathing exercises. The Farinelli Breathing routine is particularly effective at building breath control, and it's just one of many exercises Singing Carrots offers to help you improve your breathing technique.

Once you've got a solid grasp on breath control, it's time to focus on your vocal placement. For barbershop singers, this means understanding how to "ring" your sound in the correct spot in your mouth, which typically involves using a relaxed, forward-sitting tongue and an open throat. To boost your vocal placement skills, experiment with Singing Carrots' Open mouth & throat and Resonance in singing articles, which offer targeted guidance on this crucial aspect of barbershop singing.

Finally, it's essential to practice the specific techniques that define Treptow's unique style. For example, his signature vibrato was incredibly controlled and precise, a skill that can be developed through consistent and focused practice. Check out Singing Carrots' instructional videos for help developing your vibrato technique. Additionally, The Mulligan Guard Nominee was known for their sensitive interpretations of ballads and passionate deliveries of uptempo numbers, so be sure to study their performances in order to identify the specific techniques they used to create such memorable performances.

It's worth noting that Treptow's style was developed over many years of dedicated practice and performance, so don't be discouraged if it takes you some time to achieve a similar level of proficiency. With regular practice and a commitment to refining your technique, however, there's no doubt that you too can become a barbershop legend in the mold of The Mulligan Guard Nominee.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.